Friday, September 5, 2008

Geocaching and another music video

So, Katie and I have taken up geocaching. We really enjoy it. It takes us to places right here in our own vicinity that we never knew existed. I'm sure that Katie will post some of the photos that she took from our latest adventure.

Basically, for those of you who don't know what geocaching is; it's like a treasure hunt using a gps. You get on and look up some geocaches, enter the coordinates into your gps, and go find them. Geocaches are usually containers with some trinkets inside and a log book. You can trade trinkets and sign the log. Some caches just have a log book. The joy is in the finding I guess.

Anyway, Katie and I have really enjoyed it. It gives us a perfect excuse to go off-roading and hiking in areas that we probably never would have gone to or even known about otherwise.

The other part of geocaching is that you can hide a geocache for others to find. Katie and I have been planning on hiding one. We had the great idea to make one that is full of books. So I went to the D. I. and got a bunch for 50 cents a piece... the trouble is, Katie and I haven't read a lot of the books that we got, so needless to say, it's taking the books some time to actually make it inside of the box so that we can go hide it.

In other news... I made another music video. Katie says that the flowers at the beginning are "kind of femmey"... I say that they are more hippie-esk... but she's probably right. I left them in because I'm pretty secure with my manhood... and I'm too lazy to shoot more video footage... which, I believe, makes a stronger case for my being a hippie then a femme. I mean, come on; a femme would have spent a lot more time on this video than I did... right?... Dang it! My wife thinks I'm gay! And I don't know what I could possibly do to convince her otherwise...

Anyway, here is the video:


(me)linda said...

It's not you, it's the flowers...or maybe the way you smell them and wear them in your hair. No worries :)

Tracie White said...

Jacob saw your music video and said he wants to go camping. Also, I'm really glad the beard is coming back. I like it.

molly strong said...

I am glad you are embracing who you dirty hippy, oh yeah, I like the song. it makes me want to stop shaving my legs and chew on some bark

Kendell said...

I enjoyed can be "manly"

Sue Rasmussen said...

whittling and throwing sticks are decidedly manly - well in the way that all men are little boys at heart kind of way.

grandmajane said...

Hey...the frog offset all of the girlie undertones, so it's all good. Nice song!