Monday, November 10, 2008

Another song

I just finished this song. I wrote most of the guitar last night, and then I wrote the lyrics today after being sent home early from my carwash job due to rain. After a few takes that I wasn't happy with, I decided to move to the bathroom where the acoustics are better. I left the light off because the fan is on the same switch, so I apologize for the darkness, but you all know what I look like anyway. Sound is more important than visuals. I hope that you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

- Martell


Natalie Strong said...

Awesome! Keep it up!!

(me)linda said...

I dig it!

grandmajane said...

That's good pickin' and pretty melody.

Sue Rasmussen said...

it is so much fun to hear your creative ideas come to life. Good job.

molly strong said...

good song Mar, the bathroom was probably a good choice, the recording is good... and it will be fun when you can make it into a studio. I really like the folksy voice, it fits you well. I am sorry you got rained out of your job, but cant complain about the end result. That is all, I look forward to killing you later

Anonymous said...

Martell! this is great! I didn't know you were so musical--those brotherinlaws of yours (where I get all my updates) never mentioned this and them the singers! Shesh. I have to play it for Henry who is attempting to learn the guitar! HOw inspirering. I will be first to buy your cd!