This blog was titled by Martell.
It was written by me. Katie. Here it is.
I have officially begun showing. That is right showing. "Showing what?", you may ask since as you well know, I am not a show off. Well, I will tell you. I am showing off my belly. I have a baby inside of it, and keeping my svelte figure seems to be out of the option. As a matter of fact, I was priding myself on how long I've gone without anyone noticing. It helps that I work is scrubs all week. I sometimes go without noticing until I try to wear normal clothes on the weekend. Well, a girl noticed at church today. She knows I'm pregnant, and she commented today. "Oh look, you are just starting to show," She said, "but you can tell it's just being pregnant though" Bless her heart. I proceeded to feel huge for the rest of the day, but I think I would have anyway. The skirt I wore is just not big enough for me and this kid. But at least I just felt pregnant huge. Not "wow you are getting fat" huge. And I have a long ways to go besides, so I guess I had just better get used to this huge feeling.
So now you know. Martell and I are beginning a baby farm. The first crops look about ready for harvest in June. June fifth in theory, but babies ripen at their own pace I hear. So we'll just have to see.
As for the title, well, we have no idea if we are having a Walter or a Waltrina (disclaimer:These names do not necessarily reflect the names of choice of those producing said baby) however, ever since I found out I was pregnant Martell has been calling this kid Walter. So there you have it. This is the Walter Blog. Lets hope it's not a girl for Waltrina's sake.
In other news...or rather, the same news....Walter kicked me yesterday and I felt it. Ha! I am just starting week 16 and they say to expect to feel the baby between weeks 16 and 20 sometime, but that if it's you first not to worry if you don't feel it till closer to 20. Well, given the families this little guy (or girl) is coming from he must just be stubborn enough to want to prove them wrong or something. Here's hoping he doesn't stay an over-aggressive kicker.
Ah the joys of growing and shrinking...I myself had one of the young men in our ward call me a pregnant lady just the other day.
"Um, nope...just chubby. Didn't you just see me holding my baby? In fact, she's still right here! Thanks pal."
Oh well. I say wear your Walter with pride! How cool is it to experience pregnancy?! May as well enjoy it, right. We're excited for you guys!
Kicking is a good thing and you will want it!
At least you are prego and being told your pregnant! I have had the same lady three months in a row, come up to me, pat my belly and say "Oh it is a boy or girl?"
It's not a joke. She is serious. Every month I have told her I'm not pregnant. (I happen to be on my period all three times she has said that!) And for her to think that I"m 20 weeks along just is the kicker! I want to kick her!!
Well anyway COngrats on Walter! We are sooo excited for you!
Congratulations on the little Walter! And it's nice to hear you're not one of the first time moms who can't wait to show off her belly and start wearing maternity clothes. Put off wearing them as long as you can because you'll be sick of those clothes by the end of the pregnancy!
Well, i'm all for naming the kid Walter, dang it! What's in a name? A fetus by any other name would... I won't finish that thought. i think it would just come out mangled.
(p.s. yaaaayy!)
Way to go, Wall-E! I don't know which is more distracting...kicks or hic-ups. Either way, it's exciting to know that you are feeling life.
Katie and Martell, we're really happy for you! I'm not a big fan of those pregnant months for a variety of reasons, but its pretty amazing, too.
Last night Hugh was nursing just like a puppy or piglet, and I thought--if only we adults could remember that we are really like this little sucking child--so dependent and so akin to all God's other creations rather than so far above them. Anyway, pregnancy is very humbling for me, and that's a good thing in the end.
Take care of yourself! Martell, take care of that beautiful woman! We love you!
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