When I was a kid my dad would sit out in the hall at bedtime in between Seth's room and mine and read to us. He would read all kinds of things, usually big people books. I don't actually know how he selected books now that I'm a big people and it seems like every book manages to have something in it that I don't know if it would be entirely appropriate for kids. I do however remember the books and I will be forever grateful that Dad read more than kids books to us. I have loved the imagery that my mind has developed from having to make my own pictures. And believe it or not, I learned some things from those books too.
Cheaper By the Dozen is one in particular that I remember. Now, if you have not read the book, but have seen the movie with Steve Martin in it, I want you to promptly forget everything you think you know about the book, repent, and go read it. Seriously, the movie has about nothing to do with the book except that there are one dozen children in each. The book, however, is, or should be, a classic. In it the father is actually a specialist on efficiency, NOT a football coach (which is possibly the least efficient sport known to man. How many times is it possible to stop and start a game DURING the actual game?). I'm not going to tell you the plot or anything more about the book actually, because efficiency is actually what has been on my mind. For whatever reason Dad reading that book sparked a little bit of interest in me in doing things efficiently. Now, I know my parents may not know it based on my incredible procrastination skills, but when you think about it, if you only have a few minutes to do something you had better do it efficiently.
The point is that even if I haven't always utilized the concept, it is often in the back of my mind. I think there is something refreshing about finding a new way of doing something that works better than the old way. There are elements of creativity in just such thinking and I do enjoy it. I don't obsess over it, but I appreciate the concept.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about using space efficiently and how well I haven't done that in our apartment. The stuff to space ratio we have in our apartment is pretty stunning. Unfortunately when you have that much stuff to fit in a small space it does get stuffed. Stuffed into every nook and cranny it fits, regardless of logic. And so, although just about all the space in our apartment is being used, it is not very useful.
There is a principle in design called White Space. It is the principle that anything will look better if there is a place for your eyes to rest. Space that is unused. That is my problem. Everywhere I look there is used space and it is just to busy. It is ineffective design and it's agitating to the senses. Not only that, but it is frustrating to find things. It is aggravating to remember where something actually is and have to dig for it just the same because it fit underneath about 2 tons of books and blankets and guitars. The worst of it is, the anticipation of all the extra stuff we will have to fit in here when the baby comes. I don't know if the baby would actually fit in here right now! Perhaps that is why it has been on my mind.
However, now that it's on my mind, I can't get it off. It drives me even crazier than it did before (which is kind of a scary thought). And so my goal is to make my apartment efficient. Or at least use the space better. I've started a little bit and it is really amazing how much more space becomes available when you use whats there in sensible ways. It is refreshing to be freeing up "white space" and not just have piles of stuff everywhere I look. Granted, I have only just started and have a long way to go. But, the shelves in the bathroom look wonderful as does my spice cabinet. I think the space behind the couch may be next and you should all pray for my closet.
I love Cheaper By the Dozen, both the movies and the book. We had to read it in Mr Gwaltney's class in 7th grade. Loved it!
I think this is what one would call nesting. I think it's cute that you are nesting.
If you need some "organizing" help....Mom Strong would be more than happy to help....while Mar and I fix the Jeep...
Isn't it interesting how one book changes the way we think and maybe even eventually how we act. You got me thinking about books that changed me. Cheaper by the Dozen was one of them for me - which is probably why Dad read it to you guys. Cry the Beloved Country was another. Some autobiographical writing by Madeleine L'Engle was another. Death Comes to the Archbishopwas another. I'm sure that if I thought more about it I would think of more books... Can't say that I've read anything lately in that category - mostly just entertainment. Any recommendations out there among your ready readers for thought provoking reading?
Yea for white space! You do have a space challenged apartment - even smaller that our first place. If there is something you'd like us to store for you, we'd be happy to.
Katie, you are great!
You are right on about white space. I love to sort things out and throw them away! I do it regularly, but certainly when I'm pregnant/nesting. And how nice you have an offer to store some things elsewhere.
The older movie version of Cheaper By the Dozen is delightful because of the acting of Myrna Loy and William Powell. It also takes liberties with the original story, but keeps the important things--like how awesome the mom is. Check it out if you can. Or read the sequel--Bells on Their Toes.
I have to say that most profound books I have read are now marketed primarily to children and young adults; nevertheless, they are incredible reads for all ages. And I'm NOT talking stuff like Twilight, though I'm sure it is well-crafted and has its merits.
One thing I enjoyed doing with my students when I was a librarian was to ask them to make a literary timeline of their lives--to make a record of what books or other things they read at different times of their lives that made an impact on their lives. Try it, it's fun!
Haha! The comments about white space have made me aware of the complete irony of expecting that in my apartment. For those who haven't seen it the last tenants painted every room a different and very bright color. I don't know what they are thinking, but I am not going to invest the time and energy to paint it. So I suppose I will be striving for pistachio green space. :D
Katie, all I've got to say is, do you remember our apartment before we moved from Rexburg? Stuff happens. Hang in there.
Hey! you're nesting! They say that pregnant women sometimes do this! it's so cute.
I haven't read Cheaper by the Dozen, but, like Mand, I've seen the old version and found it totally delightful. I recommend it!
I know this is lame, but I didn't even know that Cheaper By the Dozen was a book?! Yikes.
Anyways, congrats on being pregnant, that is fun!
I'm so excited you found my blog.
Hi Katie,
I was excited to find your blog! Congratulations on your pregnancy. I liked what you said about the spaces in which we live needing white space. That's really profound.
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