It is really quite distressing to drive through the country on my way to draw people's blood in stinky dark nursing homes when the whole time I am driving through beautifully lit fields filled with things that are practically jumping at me begging to be preserved "on film" so to speak. So after all that brooding and that delightful conversation with Martell this fabulous gentleman was like a sign from the gods. I just about exploded with joy when I stopped to scope out the prices. The whole drive home I dreamt how the conversation would go with Martell when I told him about this somewhat impulsive idea of mine. Of course non of my mental roll-plays were remotely realistic, but what fun is it to do it in your head if you are going to be realistic?
Realistically the conversation went quite well and I spent the evening alternately drooling online over the camera that I wanted and stressing that they would be sold out already tomorrow when I went to go make my claim. This morning was equally upsetting. I wisely thought that calling down would be the better option so I could save myself the gas money if they don't have it in stock and at least not add insult to injury. Of course when I called the obnoxious message explained patiently to me (several times) that they do not in fact open until 10 am! What nerve! Of course when I finally did get ahold of someone they informed me that they couldn't give any information about prices or inventory over the phone. Thanks for nothin' pal!
So, agonizing over the time wasted with such a silly idea to call ahead, I drove down to Idaho Falls in the hope that my beloved Canon Rebel XSi would still be there. Joy of joys! It was! Of course then I had to hunt down a sales associate in all the madness to get one of the prized little gems out of the locked case. I am sure I was so giddy that I was probably one of those awkward people who talk too loudly without realizing it. My sentances may not have been especially coherant either. But who needs to worry about a thing like english at a time like that? When he finally came the second time WITH the keys (those come in handy) I am quite certain I was shaking with anticipation. He probably thought I was a complete idiot. But who cares...I have my camera! Honestly, I still cannot believe I own such a marvelous piece of equipment. But I do.
And here is a little sampling of what I have done with it in the short time of owning it. Granted, the picture has had the color removed via PhotoShop. I am a firm believer in taking all photos in color since you can remove color later, but can't add it. So here it is.

Nice, shootin' Tex... I mean Katie. You made Mar look like he came straight out of the 70's.
Which is good, because we've been trying to keep it a secret where he really comes from: Ugoslavia.
Ooooo, that camera sounds really fun!
I love the feeling of getting a new camera too. I really want a new one, but it will be a while. Congrats on your find.
Haha. I just got the same camera recently...I hope that I didn't pay too much for it, but anyways, yay! I love it...i'm still trying to figure what aperture and other such picture terminology actually mean, but it is exciting!
My rebel is one of my best friends and photoshop cs4 comes next. Is that a crazy thing to say? One of these days I'm going to find the time to be a proficient user of both...ahhhh one of these days.
Congratulations on the camera...! Can't wait to see more pictures...!
That is so exciting, Katie! Now you have a great camera to take lots of pictures of that cute little red-haired girl that you are growing! Yea!
DSLR camaras are so much fun!! I love that if someone blinks at the last minute you can just delete the picture and start over instead of having to wait to see how bad things were AFTER you paid for development. You are going to have SO much fun!!
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