The clinic that I've been going to for this pregnancy just introduced a new doctor to the practice, and with him some new standard procedures. Up until this point I have not had to do one of those kick count things. The new doc wants you to do it everyday! Lame. For anyone who doesn't know what you do for one of these you are supposed to lay down on your side and time how long it takes for you to feel your baby move 10 times. At my office they have a "grading" chart. If you get to 10 movements in 0-15 minutes your baby is an A student. 16-30 = B. 31-45 = C. 45-60 = D. If your baby doesn't kick 10 times within the hour you get the joys of getting up for a few and then doing it for another hour, or until you reach 10. If you don't get to 10 you are supposed to call the office.
Upon receiving my instructions I kind of thought "well, that's a big fat waste of time" By this point in my pregnancy I can tell you exactly what times of day she is most active. And I might add that she is a most active baby. I was tempted to ask the nurse if one continuous movement for 10 minutes counted as 10 movements, but I thought better of harassing the nurse. She doesn't make the rules.
Anyhow, if anyone was curious, Martell and I have an overachiever on our hands. She has yet to take more than 3 minutes to fulfill her kick quota. I'm not sure whether to mourn the damage she has done to my ribs or be grateful that I don't have to lay there for an extra hour since laying down for too long makes my hips hurt and I'd like to save it for sleep. I guess both.
Wow! I am sure glad I got out of Rexburg before that doctor showed up. Sounds like little "princess" as we'll call her should fit in great with the rest of the family. :) We sure are excited for you! Good luck in all the wonderful adventures that lie ahead.
Lame rules and fancy new doctors. Babies are all different. why the pressures before even leaving the womb?!
Maybe she has Restless Leg Syndrome like her dad.
You know how 'intense', as Tim called it, Jacob and Audrey are? Welcome to the family!
...And that doctor sounds way lame-o.
well, give the doctor some credit for due diligence. Casual conversation about the activity of the baby might have covered it, but that must not be his thinking style.
- and now you know, quantifiably, that she's been excelling in prenatal kickboxing class- just in case you weren't sure before.
In all fairness, I do like the doctor quite a lot. I just don't like doing the kick count test. Oh well. It goes fast!
those are lame rules. ha! i appreciate that your lil girl put the grading scale to shame!
I got a "kick" out your post...unca dale
I remember the kick count-off, my doctor didn't bother with it, but my labor instructor insisted. I was supposed to count 10 kicks per hour! But I was like you, the baby has his own pattern, he's not a hourly mover!
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