Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rock Hammer For Scale

Some of you know that I am a Geology major. One of the first things that I learned as a geology major is that we take pictures out in the field. When we take pictures, we try to always place something in the picture for scale; it could be a pen, a knife, a person, or anything you have handy. Most of the time, we have a rock hammer with us; so more often than not, you will find geology pictures with a rock hammer, for scale.

One of my professors told me how he had a picture of all of his newborn children, except his oldest, with a rock hammer for scale. He had gotten the idea from a friend of his after his oldest was born, so that is why he doesn't have a picture of her with a rock hammer for scale. This is a mistake that I don't intend to make myself, so here we are, off to a good start. :-)


grandmajane said...

Hey Mar, when I saw your picture of Sally and the rock hammer, that old Sesame Street song started going through my head, "One of these things is not like the others..." Maybe Katie will take comparitive pictures of her with a teddy bear for scale. Then both things in the picture would make me feel warm and fuzzy. I know, I are a geologist.

She's a cutie either way, though. She looks a lot like Tracie did as a baby in these latest pictures.

Tracie White said...

Hooray! At least someone's baby looks like me, if not my own.

Anonymous said...

She's adorable! And perfect in her tininess!

Unknown said...

nicely done martell. application is key!

Tim Strong said...


Erin M. said...

The title of this post was enough to make me giggle!

Pops said...

love it, Marn! traditions are what's up. Remember to include your RH in every bert day pic too...unca dale

Sue Rasmussen said...

If she looks like Tracie, then she is a lucky girl.