Friday, July 24, 2009

"and in the mornin'...I'm makin' Waffles!"

Why yes, that is a non-stick waffle iron. Why do you ask?


Reese said...

I hate that! My Mom's waffle maker is the best.

grandmajane said...

Dang! I bet you had your mouth all set for a warm fluffy one.

Sue Rasmussen said...

we've always had to oil the waffle maker - those shapes are too complicated for non-stick.

Tracie White said...

Bad waffle iron!--Bad!

Unknown said...

false advertisement! you know whats funny? i was reading the nutrition facts of non-stick spray last night and a serving size is a 1/4 sec. spray! that makes for somewhere near 700 servings per can! crazy?!

Andrew and Lauren said...

Yeah, ours does the same thing, which is probably why we don't use it any more...

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing. It seems that waffle irons need to "season" just like pans! Grr with a giggle in it.

Erin M. said...

this totally happened to me and my roommate not long ago. Needless to say, we went and fed the ducks that morning