Ok, but really, things that I'm a little more acquainted with of late.
1. Cream Cheese Chocolate "Muffins".
This is what Starbucks call these(or something much like these differing only by their "grande" size) minus the quotation marks. I have a hard time calling these muffins without quotation marks given that they are actually decadent cupcakes. And delicious to boot. I found the recipe here. They claim that they are self filling. Ha! The cream cheese yumminess did not fill my cupcake. It did, however, elevate it to a level of incredibility that is pretty tough to beat.
2. Stake Conference.
In particular several talks that discussed the need to prioritize and do the important things in life and not really worry about the rest. It was also quite service focused which was a subtle reminder that serving others is in fact one of the big important things in life.
3. Un-even stitching.
In particular, my Mom's apron. She made this apron I think when she was in college (correct me if I'm wrong here, mom). All my life she was the one to teach me how to sew. I would get so frustrated trying to do it right and do it well. I never did get it. My mom would show me and hers was just perfect to my novice eyes. It probably was pretty close. But now I'm really trying to sew and trust me, it's still not that good. But I was wearing that apron that my mom gave me (ok, ok, that I stole from her...with permission, alright?) that she made years ago and I noticed the stitching on it isn't near as straight as the stitching I'd come to know as hers. It's nice to remember that it takes time to get it right. Also, I like my Mom's apron because it's a lovely red and white plaid and it looks just like a quintessential apron should to me. It looks like the good old days.
I really like crocheting big things that have a repetitive stitching pattern. I love the familiarity of doing a stitch over and over so that my hands know just what to do with out thinking. That is when I find I think of other things and I am generally content. I have a hard time stewing about things when I'm crocheting. It ruins the mood. So crocheting is quite a meditative process that I rather enjoy. (on a side note, something I don't like: the spelling of "crocheting" it just looks like you should say the "t" doesn't it and that just sounds dumb)
5. Hiking Socks
I love how thick and warm and supportive hiking socks are. Why aren't all socks like this? I also really like that they aren't white and they also aren't all cutesy with hearts or frogs or some kind of cartoon character on them. Besides that those over the top cute socks are never thick, warm, or supportive. Also, Hiking socks remind me of, what else? Hiking.
6. Hiking
I adore hiking. It is one of those things that keeps me balanced. Again, a fairly meditative thing. Physical activity at a bearable pace in the beautiful out of doors. Does it get much better? I submit that it does not!
7. New books
I love owning books. Ok? Yeah, the library is great for books that I want to read, but don't necessarily want to own. It's also great for scoping out books that I'd like to own. But there is something incredibly satisfying about looking at a shelf full of books and knowing they are yours. Books are cozy, they are informative, they are comfortable, they are bedtime and waiting for the cookies or the laundry to get done. They are learning something new. They are things I like.
8. Haircuts
The feel of your hair when you get a hair cut is like nothing else. First of all they wash your hair. When you have as much hair as I do, if anyone else is willing to wash it for me I will gladly let them. Then they get rid of all the stupid snarly tangley ends and after all that they style it for me! And it looks better than when I do it myself. How do they do that? Beats me, but I'll take it.
9. The Kitchen
It's the best room in the house. It is easiest to clean as you work (try that in the bathroom!) and when I'm done there I often find myself in a clean room with good food. What more could I want? Oh, right. A hike.
10. Handwriting
Handwriting is some much more personalized than typing for instance. It is relaxing and thoughtful. I love the way it looks on paper. I love the beauty and elegance in each word and in each letter. I love the way it all meets with the space in between to make something both lovely and functional.
11. Gardens
Much like handwriting, gardens are both lovely and functional. Also meditative. Also Balancing. Also a thing I like.
I was going to stop at ten, but I just couldn't leave out gardens. There are a lot of things really, but that's a good start.
What are things you like?
you mean besides sugar? I'll have to think about that...
warm showers, sunlight, cell phones, ....
Oh, and I've been blaming my uneven stitching on an old sewing machine. And I did make that apron in about 1976 when I got my machine (the machine was used and about 20 years old) Your stitching looked better than mine when I saw that diaper bag you made. I'm blaming the machine:)
The zen of crochet - ummmm - I've never gotten there, but I get the zen of weeding.
I like my sister! That's what!
Also, I must agree that I dislike the spelling of crocheting. While normally, I would delight in such a ripe field for low-brow humor, in this case I must make an exception. There is simply nothing funny about the warm delightfulness of hanging out with a certain moses-flavored blanket of mine of the lovely long scarf you made me. So yes, I also like it when you crochet. Nevertheless, none of these wonderful things excuses the fact that you have made a post without pictures of Sally. What gives?
I like all those things you like, except crocheting. I tried really hard to like it, but I just can't.
Other things I like: my family (that includes you), rain, sunshine, living in the rural west, gardening, and being outside.
Mom: I still think your stitches are perfect, but blame the machine as much as you want. I would if I were you. I've never made it to weeding zen, but I might be able to now...if only I had a garden. So crocheting fits the bill
Seth: I like you too. I also like Sally and I like that you like Sally. But although the world does revolve around her now, I'm going for a slightly more balanced blog. So deal. There will be plenty more Sal to come.
Tracie: I was just talking to Martell yesterday about how I am really grateful to have in-laws that I have things in common with. I love that although I am still getting to know you all that I don't get nervous to go see you because I know we are similar types of people. I like that too. Also, it took me a looooong time and several tries to like crocheting. It took learning it with my whole apartment so that at first I liked it for the social reasons before I ever learned to like it on my own.
I like music. I like ideas and deep conversations. But more than all of these, I like a good joke--one that makes me belly-laugh. And yeah, I really like sugar, too. ;)
I like many things, but this time of year, I like a warm cup of milk flavored with a bit of overly sweet eggnog. The temperature and the flavor is so comforting to me. I also like cross-stitching, sewing and quilting. I've always felt a need to keep my hands busy doing creative things. And I like walking for exercise. Being self-propelled is the best! No, is the best!
In no certain order:
Singing really loud in my car
Parsnips (oh yeah)
The Rock (japanimation style)
Cabbage and Carrots
Familial People (very much including Seth's sister)
Trying to grow things
Peanut-butter cookies
80 quart mixing bowls
etc., etc., etc.
fantastic list! hiking socks are the BEST! i am with you on hiking and the meditative activities as well. well written, katie!
I like people that recognize the wonderfully good things in their life! I also like listening to my kiddos: snoring, breathing, laughing, talking, making burping noises or farting noise, it is all so delightful!
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