Sally in front of the Christmas tree

Sally amidst her loot

Sally...Wait. Not Sally. We went to a Kangaroo farm when we were in Washington.

Mike petting a Kangaroo.

They also had some llamas. Very friendly llamas.

Sally ate her Uncle Nate.

She kicked back with Uncle Mike.

She read Uncle Seth a story.

And Grandpa read her one of my old favorites.
So Sally had a good trip. Now that you've seen the photo essay of her trip, on to some of my favorite highlights, other than seeing my bachelor brothers dote on their niece.
Martell and I had our anniversary there. Nothing fancy, but we did go out to eat at a thai place. A rare treat in that there is next to no ethnic food in Rexburg, and we rarely eat out. We did have free babysitting too, so it was nice to get out on our own.
The Kangaroo farm was pretty cool. We got to hold a baby 'roo.
On New Years Eve we introduced my family to Martell's family tradition of having Pulla, a finnish bread, and we introduced him to the glorious cheese party that we have every year.
And of course, spending a week with my whole entire family! It's been way too long since we've all been together. Hooray for the grand reunion.
The end.
I'm so glad you guys had a chance to go see your family. Sounds like a wonderful time. So how did the pulla turn out?
Looks like your Holidays were great fun. So glad you could go. Sally surely is growing!
great pics - especially loved the one of Seth feeding the llama. - I got good ones of Mike and Nate, but not of Seth. I got other good pictures of Seth and I need to send you some pictures. I have a lovely one of you reading to Sally.
Tracie: The pulla turned out great and it was a hit. Anything with cardamom goes over REALLY well in my family.
Looks like a good time! I love family get togethers they are always well worth the effort!
P.S. It was fun seeing you guys for a little bit on Christmas
Sounds like you had a great time :) Love the pictures :)
where is the kangaroo farm?! i would LOVE to visit that place! hooray for time with the family and for your anniversary! hooray!
Jill, the Kangaroo farm is in Washington.
Have you ever been to Original Thai on Main St. in Rexburg? Delish. Seriously. I was skeptical since it is Rexburg, but go there. You won't regret it.
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