Thursday, April 1, 2010


We haven't posted any pictures or video of Sally in a while, so here you go.

Sally's hair is getting longer, so I went to Wal-Mart and got her some clips and stuff so that people won't mistake her for a boy... plus she just looks dang cute.

Katie put the green clip in her little pony tail. I did the rest.

... I might have gotten a bit carried away.

Today Sally was playing when she started to sound a little distressed. I found her stuck inside this basket. I had to snap some pictures before I rescued her.

We put her in bed directly after shooting this video. She was pretty tired.

She is about a week shy of ten months old now. Her knees are a constant shade of pink from crawling everywhere, she pulls herself up on things (I often find her standing in her crib when I go to get her), she eats finger foods, and she has a running soliloquy during a good portion of the the time when she is awake. Mostly she says, "Aaabwaaabwaaabwaaabwaaabwaaa." I'm not sure what it means yet, but it sounds pretty important. Any ideas?

- Martell


Unknown said...

fancy hair for sally! she's got martel's eyes and she is cute as can be!

Tracie White said...

Thanks for posting some pictures, she has really changed!

P.S. I love the hairstyle Mar.

Sue Rasmussen said...

I just love that Daddy is fixing her hair!

And that her eyes are still blue.
I hope you have a brown eyed child or two also, but I like Sally's little round blue eyes.

Nancy said...

yeah for little sally hairdos! that is one of my favorite parts of my lifesize dolls too.

grandmajane said...

Can't decide which is more entertaining: the 'say' or the 'do'. :)

molly strong said...

I am pretty sure it means that your child is magical