Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rock Hammer for Scale and Others

As many of you know, I study geology.  As a geologist I have been taught to take photos out in the field and a photo is only useful if you know the scale of what you are looking at.  Geologists often have a rock hammer with them so rock hammers show up in many of their photos.  One of my professors told me that he takes a picture of each of his newborns with a rock hammer for scale, and I thought that it was a great idea, so I've decided to follow suit.  So there you have it; T.W. with a rock hammer for scale.


This is about the most open that T.W.'s eyes have been up until the point where this picture was taken.  They open a little wider than this now, but not much.

Not to be left out, here is a video of Sally dancing to some classical music on the radio.


Gibbles N Bit said...

T.W. looks so adorable.

And Sally is such a cute dancer!

Kiersti said...

That's a Strong Family hair line if I've ever seen one!
He's adorable!


Erik said...

Cute kids, Martell. I don't see you guys enough.

Tracie White said...

Yay! I'm glad to see new pictures of him. Miss you guys!

Andrew and Lauren said...

I know this is random, but I love the jean quilt! We have one and its so very nice!

Tara said...

What a sweet little boy! Love Sally's dancing!


congratlations! that is one handsome boy!!! by the way, i like the name :) our boy name is actually similar - phinneus, or finneus (not sure about spelling.)

Kritta22 said...

Ohhhh so excellent! I love it when they are that little!

Anonymous said...

!! I thought I was the only one to take pictures of my baby with a rock hammer for scale. Congratulations, he's very cute, and looks great next to a rock hammer.