Saturday, November 12, 2011

He Walks...

Sort of.  Also, there are some pictures from our trip to the beach a while ago in the previous post.


Sue Rasmussen said...

We love it! TW seems to be negotiating a course; have to pick up this thing here, play peek-a-boo there, back up, etc. His constant smile is endearing, and he's going to need it for all the trouble that I can imagine him getting into :-)
der for der&smr

grandmajane said...

Wow! He is so sure-footed! He looks pretty pleased with himself as he enjoys his new-found mobility.

molly strong said...

1) overalls are the best
2) sally + tutu = heartmeltinator
3) who would have thought shopping cart wheels were so unimportant?

Tim Strong said...

He seems to be desperately trying to find someone to give that pass-a-long card to...