Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pictures, so I don't get in trouble.

Both the Grandmas have chastised me for the lack of recent pictures, so here you go.

Sally rarely falls asleep anywhere but her bed and the car. She was one tuckered out little girl.

Martell got these little magnadoodle toys and Sal was obsessed for a few days. She is sweetly sharing with T. here.

Showing him how to use it.

Enjoying it for herself.


grandmajane said...

The kids are growing so fast - I vote new pictures at least once a month! Thanks for sharing. Sure love you guys!

Sue Rasmussen said...

oh, I vote with Jane.
TW sure is a cutie and of course Sally is adorable. I know you are busy - thanks for posting the pictures. We love them.

Tracie White said...

I like how all the pictures of Sally are of her hair. Cute hair. :) We miss you guys!

der said...

Thank you for the pictures! I love how Sally is taking on the role of Big Sister so early and so readily. To be aware of TW as a person, like herself, and to want to share experiences with him and teach him are pretty sophisticated concepts.

Unknown said...

love the pix, katie! you've got some cute kids!