Saturday, February 4, 2012


This morning Martell asked me to cut his hair. His beard came off shortly after that. Then the T. woke up. Poor little guy was so unsure of who Martell was now that he doesn't look like such a mountain man. I guess Martell had some kind of bee in his bonnet and set about to cut T.W.'s hair too. We quickly discovered that the clippers weren't going to work on his fine baby hair, so I stepped in with the scissors. All the while Sally asking for a buzz cut too, because Martell had offered on to T. So after we finished up with T.'s hair I trimmed a smidgey bit off the back of Sally's hair too. First time for both of them, and they both did great. And it might have been the first time T. has seen his dad without a beard. (Just kidding, Martell actually only had a mustache when T. was born and he was clean shaven for a little while after the 'stache before the beard. Not very long though) Anyhow, here's some pictures of the new do's.

The preparation. I love how apprehensive T. still looks in this photo. Still not sure about that clean shaven Dad.

First attempt with the clippers.

Spraying it down for attempt #2 with the clippers.

Wet head. I think his face is beautiful in this picture.

No pictures of the rest since I took over with the scissors, but here's all the finished products. (And T. is folding his hands like he does for prayers. Sweet boy)

And this is what happens when you keep trying for a good picture for too long. 


der said...

Poor T. Guess he's just going to have to get used to that handsome male baby sitter since his Dad seems to have taken a powder. :-)
Great job with the scissors!

grandmajane said...

Haha! Sally's pose in the last picture is sooooo Martell when he expresses boredom. Thaddeus's reverent hands are so adorable. Oh, and Martell looks handsome, too!

molly strong said...

great pictures and thanks for not giving Sal a buzz cut. Poor T, guys really do look so different with varying degrees of facial hair. Mar, I like the clean shave, but I am sorry that I missed out on seeing the full beard in person. We really do have some great beards in this family.

Tim Strong said...

Looking sharp!

Unknown said...

what a well manicured bunch! t has great curls! i hope to see them again soon!