Saturday, March 24, 2012


Yesterday I got brave and pulled out some water colors for the kids. I'm sure that Sal would have been able to handle them a long time ago, but I just didn't want to deal with the astounding mess that I was certain T. would create. But with the toy boredom and the upcoming move, paints are something that I had. For some reason I came to this marriage with three separate cheap crayola watercolor trays. Don't ask me why a grown woman needed three of those things. I came in pretty handy though. I had one for each kid and one for me (it's like I knew!). I decided that tired pregnant me wanted minimal cleanup so I went ahead a got a plastic table cloth and threw some of my old shirts on the kiddos. Here's the documentation.

Note his brush is backwards and his paper is soaked. The later is because he already drank his paint water. The former is because he's awesome.

Sally enjoying the show. This is also possibly the best her picture looked. At one point she said "Oh, an alligator" but after it was all said and done she claimed that she and T. both painted "diasumes" which is to say dinosaurs.

He's done. Trying to take off the shirt. Get that table cloth outta my way!

Sally, aka "The Hulk" followed T.'s lead, as she is prone to do, and left the realms of paper painting.

All told: a success.


Tracie White said...

Each one of those pictures are priceless! Also, on a side note, Thaddeus looks like a mini-Mar the older he gets.

Unknown said...


Sue Rasmussen said...

I love their little painted faces- and the unpainted ones too.
Good for you for braving the potential clean up.

Unknown said...

great job! i'm only disappointed that you didn't show your painted face as well! :)

Laura said...

So...did I just totally miss the pregnant announcement?? I must be behind. But congrats! :)

Nancy said...

It takes a brave momma to take on painting and toddlers - although the pictures are cute I can understand the exasperation behind the aftermath...I usually leave it to the babysitter ;)